It Started with Blurry Vision


blurry 'Apple Blossom' camellia

It began with a vague suspicion.  Was my vision, out there in the outer periphery of the left eye, blurry?  Now, you say, how could you not know your retina was becoming detached ?

The blurriness of my eye was a filminess that would surely blink  away.  I was busy – my eyes in constant use in an unusually busy late season of shooting.  Once I slow down, and less time fussing over the computer, resting my eyes, this will go away.

On my week in Seattle I would pay close attention, and the blur was with me all the time.  But was this fuzziness only at the edge of my glasses, some new function of my nearsightedness ?  I vowed to call my optician when I returned.  This was weird, a bit scary, and not going away.

On my Monday return, after my final morning workshop at SFBG, I called my eye doctor to find he was out of town.  By this time, two weeks into wondering about the blur, I did not want to wait another week.  I called Kaiser, my HMO.  The Kaiser folks advised I see their ophthalmologist, not my optician, and we set up a Wednesday afternoon appointment.


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